A Comforting Guide For The Golden Years

Photo credit to Chong Yee Choo.

Planning for old age is not something many would consider much earlier in life. Perhaps in some of us, there is a misguided sense of denial telling us that old age will come much later, and retirement plans can always wait.

But failure to plan is planning to fail.

And time is the essence of any retirement preparations because when age catches up on us, there are only two things we need to be concerned about: money and health. Employment, fixed income and medical support is much lesser for a retiree so early preparation sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?

Is Your Ringgit Making Sens?

Retirement Funds

If you are still working and your retirement date is years away, this article should serve as a guide for you to start your prep. First, let’s talk money:

Be frugal, be financially independent. Set the right figure for a comfortable life and work towards it. Without goals, the temptation to spend your savings will kick in.

When was the last time you sat down to evaluate your financial situation? Be clear on where you stand, go through different investment portfolios because savings alone won’t be enough.

To lead a comfortable life, you will need financial freedom. Your three decades of working have helped you accumulate not just wealth, but debt. Avoid biting off more than you can chew.

Young, Dumb & Healthy

Would you do what you want, eat what you want and then get high blood pressure when you are 55? Or would you rather live a healthy life, knowing you will live your retirement days comfortably with much less medical concerns?

Now while you are still young, here is what you can do:

Prioritise health, exercise, live a healthy diet. A study concluded that male retirees are prone to heart disease while females are more likely to have cancer. These are health conditions that could actually be avoided by leading a healthy life from now.

Get connected. When you retire, your circle of associates becomes smaller, leaving you with a tiny support network. This is when the connections you made matter; this is when you need emotional support from society.

Family is crucial and timing is critical. Want to start a family? Do it early – you don't want to send your kids to primary school at age 50, do you? Time it right and you will retire with grown, independent children who can support you emotionally and financially if need be.

Inspiring Ilham

Old man running

Once you retire from four decades of running daily routines, the only thing you want is a little peace and quiet. But is there such a thing as the perfect home where your loved ones are just a door knock away?

When we were drawing out ideas for the perfect home, we thought about you and your plans to retire. That notion served as our ilham, our inspiration.

Sitting slightly off the city grid, Ilham Residence offers different home concepts for different needs, from young families to growing families and from large families to senior citizens.

Life is a Circle

Some developments just focus on a single-age group. Ilham Residence, on the other hand, caters to the whole circle - young couples looking for feasible, well-connected homes to senior citizens looking for serenity and ease of living.

Lee Thean Soong (Marketing Manager of Business Unit 1) gave an idea of what this is all about:

"Different age groups require different needs. The elderly would prefer a sense of safety and comfort while the kids want some space to run around. The newly-weds, well, they obviously want a bit of privacy."

So rather than having them live in different cities, why not have them in the same development?

For a home that caters to your golden age needs, the Type 3, also known as The Thoughtful, has an open floor concept for ease of access to the outdoors and age-adaptable features that you will be thankful for. The Dual-key feature offers private living spaces with separate access for just about anyone in the family.

And if you plan to make the most of this feature, you could rent out the space for that additional post-retirement income without compromising your own privacy and comfort.

The Type 4, The Lasting, for example, offers ample space with well-thought-out multi-generational features like the detachable child safety gate that protects toddlers from wandering off unattended and even a foldable handrail in the ground floor bathroom for ease of mobility.

Ilham Residence - Type 4, The Lasting Type 4, The Lasting

Another lovely feature would be what is waiting for you outside those doors. Step out into the sun and be greeted by resting decks and reflexology paths for an afternoon unwind.

If gardening is your thing, there are also shared gardening plots made available for a healthy pastime. Based on a study, gardening is a relaxing form of exercise best suited for senior citizens. It is found to improve and encourage the use of all motor skills and, best of all, is also a great way to interact with your neighbours and share your tips and tricks on gardening.

The Start of Something New

With all the great things coming your way, now is a good time to start preparing for the golden years. Imagine yourself winding down by the park with the morning breeze brushing against you, with not a care in the world. Except for maybe your children and grandchildren.

For a retiree, having your grandkids run around in a safe, gated compound with nothing but the blue sky in a vast green lung is truly a sight to behold.

It is really not about having lesser responsibilities or lesser stress, it is about reaping the rewards you planted. And the fine features of Ilham Residence at Elmina Grove are just right to complement your farewell to the working life.

And your hello to the new life.