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Media Statement on Relocation of Bukit Rajah Former Plantation Workers!
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Media Statement on Relocation of Bukit Rajah Former Plantation Workers

Kuala Lumpur, 12 September 2013- Sime Darby Property is completingconstruction of terrace housesfor 75 former workers of the oldBukit Rajah estate. The developmentof these homes is to fulfill theterms of an agreement made betweenthe company and the National Unionof Plantation Workers (NUPW),who represented these ex-workersin 2008. 51 of the 75 former workershave accepted the offer of subsidisedaffordable housing. The remaining24 workers have been encouragedto accept the company's offeras the old estate houses theyare occupying are no longer fitfor occupation and they are delayingthe implementation of new housingfor the majority.

Eviction notices were duly issuedon 27 August 2013 and the remaining24 workers were informed thatthe old estate houses would bedemolished. As reported, a groupof about 50 protesters had gatheredat the development site on 10September 2013 in an effort toprevent execution of the evictionorder granted by the courts frombeing carried out. The evictionattempt was aborted as protestersprevented access to the area.The protest was peaceful and atno time was there any violenceor aggressive action taken bythe protesters or representativesof the company. The company ensuredthat the correct and appropriateprocedures were at all times observedas can be verified by a courtbailiff and members of the policeforce who were present on theday.

There has been continuous engagementwith the former workers over theyears, and out of the total of427 ex-workers impacted by theclosure of the Bukit Rajah Estatein 1998, 352 ex-workers had eitherretired, or had agreed to theinitial settlement agreement.Subsequently, Sime Darby Propertyhad offered in 2008 to build terracehouses for the remaining 75 formerworkers, at a subsidised rate.All 75 workers accepted this offerand 51 have already vacated theirold premises. In addition, SimeDarby Property had also offeredto provide subsidised rental fortemporary housing for the durationof the development period. Constructionbegan in May 2012 and the homesare expected to be delivered inMay 2014, barring any unforeseendelays.

While 51 former workers withinthis group have taken up temporaryresidence elsewhere, a small groupof 24 former workers and theirfamilies chose to remain on theland, thus preventing the completionof required facilities for utilitiesincluding electricity, sewerageand water systems for the newhomes. This has caused delay inobtaining the required certificateof fitness for the new homes andmeans that all 75 ex-workers maynot be able to move into theirnew homes on schedule as initiallyanticipated.

Meanwhile, the management of SimeDarby Property is deeply saddenedby the death of the mother ofa former worker from a long-termillness. Madam Kalyani a/p Perumalwas in the crowd of protestersat the site but was taken illlater and succumbed to her condition.The deceased's son is a formerworker at the Bukit Rajah estateand had accepted the company'sinitial settlement offer and vacatedthe estate premises several yearsago. The management and staffof Sime Darby Property extendsdeepest condolences to the familyof the deceased.

Finally, it should be noted thatthere are no plans to demolishthe Hindu temple that is locatedin the area. As has been agreedwith the temple committee, itwill be relocated within the housingarea once it is completed.

Sime Darby Property is committedto managing this situation ina reasonable and amicable manner,while taking into account theinterest of the community at large.In the company s endeavour toprovide homes for these 75 ex-workers,it has had to obtain evictionorders from the court to allowfor safe completion of the terracehouses and the development asa whole.

For further information, please contact:

Ms Najat Md Fuad
Head, Communications
Sime Darby Property
Tel : +603 7849 5110
Fax : +603 7849 5680
E-mail :

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